Monday 24 September 2012

Day 4 - Travel to Magelang

After spending time with Miss Windy, Miss Dewi and Miss Maria from Olifant where they answered our many questions it was back onto the bus and off again to one of the wonderful restaurants that we have been having the most beautiful Indonesian lunches at.  This time it was 'Pecel Solo', a restaurant set in a traditional Indonesian pavilion style building.  The building itself was made in the traditional style and was actually transported onto it's current site. 

Lunch was a wonder buffet of traditional Indonesian dishes including tofu, a vegetable fritter dish, green vegetable and of course a spicy dish of some sort. We enjoyed our lunch a great deal, then it was back onto the bus and travel to Magelang, which is located close to the temple of Borobudur, which was our destination on Day 5.


After the beautiful lunch I think that some of our group may have spent some of the journey time to Magelang catching up on some sleep from the early airport departure the day before. 
We arrived at our next location, the Puri Asri hotel, which was a beautiful resort style hotel set amongst lush gardens, ponds and facilities.  The rooms were located in small clusters which were dotted across the property.  The staff used small golf buggy type vehicles to transport guests and their luggage around the property to their rooms.  Roaming around the promptly were also peacocks and turkeys. 

After a rest and a wander around the property or a swim in the huge swimming pool everyone gathered together for dinner, once again in an open pavilion style building.  The dinner was a buffet style meal which was beautiful.  During the course of the meal Deryn presented some of the awards that people had won during the trip so far, and then presented some other awards which came from things that people had done so far on the trip. 

Although it was a full day it had been a very rewarding day with a look at a very different school from the mainstream Indonesian schools.  An early night, because a 4:00am wake up to be on the bus at 4:15am faced us all in the morning!!!!!

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